Ka Ho Cho

Ka Ho Cho Bio, Age, Career, Net Worth, Carrer& More


Redd Foxx is a name that will constantly be related with American satire, having had an enduring impact on media outlets. However, in the midst of the spotlight, there is an account of significant importance highlighting a lady basic to his story — Ka Ho Cho.


Frequently eclipsed by her well known spouse, Cho’s story is one of tirelessness, love, and relentless help. Go along with us as we investigate the existence of this amazing lady, revealing seven convincing parts of her excursion.

Who is Ka Ho Cho?

In the domain of friendship with the late American entertainer and jokester Redd Foxx, there stood a lady of importance, Ka Ho Cho, otherwise called Ka Ho Foxx.

Her process started in Hong Kong in 1950, at last driving her to the US during her early stages.

Predetermination took a turn when, as an artist in Las Vegas, she encountered Redd Foxx. The bits of destiny drove them to trade promises in 1976.

As Foxx’s fourth spouse, Cho imparted her life to the jokester until his passing in 1991. This exemplifies the substance of Ka Ho Cho’s section in the records of Redd Foxx’s life.

Ka Ho Cho Bio 

Directly following Redd Foxx’s passing, Ka Ho Cho left on a genuine excursion to maintain his heritage. Effectively captivating in protecting his comedic brightness, she turned into an unflinching watchman of his memory, guaranteeing that the world would everlastingly recollect his virtuoso. Cho’s unflinching responsibility and significant love for her late spouse stand as a piercing demonstration of the bond they shared.

Ka Ho Cho Education 

Ka Ho Cho, a knowledgeable lady with a degree in business, utilized her scholarly foundation to wander into business ventures. She effectively started and oversaw different organizations, quite a progression of flourishing alcohol stores.

Ka Ho Cho Education 

Ka Ho Cho Age

She was brought into the world in 1959, making her 63 years of age in 2022. Nonetheless, her careful birthdate and birth month are not openly known.

Ka Ho Cho Height 

Remaining at a smooth level of 5 feet 5 inches, Ka Ho Cho had an unimposing height that orchestrated flawlessly with her brilliant character. Her balance and inviting disposition charmed her to everybody sufficiently lucky to cross her way, making her a particular presence in each room she graced.

Ka Ho Cho Personal Life 

Ka Ho encountered an unmistakable association with the eminent jokester, Redd Foxx. Their time together was somewhat concise, spreading over only a brief time before Redd Foxx’s troublesome flight. Notwithstanding the curtness, those months were wealthy in shared love and chuckling, depicting Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx as an outstanding and strong couple, consistently there for one another. 

Their extraordinary association stays permanent.

However the term of their harmony was succinct, the adoration they developed remains endlessly scratched in memory. Ka Ho holds dear the minutes they created and the friendship they traded. She is devoted to maintaining Redd Foxx’s heritage, guaranteeing that his memory perseveres.

Ka Ho Cho Personal Life 

While their conjugal excursion was passing, the effect they left on one another’s lives rises above time. Ka Ho will everlastingly view Redd Foxx as a mindful companion and a splendid comedian. In spite of the curtness, their account radiates satisfaction and bliss, unceasingly resounding with the pith of their common love.

Ka Ho Cho Family 

Ka Ho is honored with a cherishing and strong family. Her siblings, who are likewise her nearest comrades, and she were brought into the world to South Korean guardians, have a profound bond. Ka Ho Cho was brought up in a cherishing and diverting family, where she was encircled by close family bonds.

As kind good examples, her folks continually roused her to follow her fantasies and contact her maximum capacity.

The special bond she imparts to her kin stretches out past brotherhood; they stand as her ardent partners through each recurring pattern, manufacturing a solid kin coalition.

The impact of her family reverberates essentially in molding the individual she has become, and Ka Ho holds a never-ending feeling of appreciation for the faithful love and support they have presented to her.

Ka Ho Cho Career 

Aside from being known as Redd Foxx’s mate, Ka Ho Cho has kept her expert undertakings generally hidden.

Her significant other, Redd Foxx, notwithstanding, made a permanent imprint on the universes of satire and film. His parody process started around 1939 and picked up critical speed when vocalist Dinah Washington urged him to move to Los Angeles. It was at the Metal Rail Club where Dootsie Williams of Dootone Records perceived Foxx’s ability, making way for his famous lifetime.

Ka Ho Cho Relationship

Indeed, even despite difficulties, Cho and Foxx’s affection stood immovable, persevering until the entertainer’s troublesome destruction in 1991. Their relationship arose as a signal of motivation, uncovering the strength innate in a dedicated organization.

Ka Ho Cho Relationship

Post Foxx’s passing, Ka Ho Cho continued giving recognition to his memory. Effectively taking part in defending his heritage, she verified that his comedic brightness would persevere in ceaselessness. Cho’s immovable responsibility and friendship for her left mate filled in as a piercing demonstration of the persevering through strength of their association.

Ka Ho Cho Marriage

Las Vegas was the captivating scenery for Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx’s romantic tale. Their fortunate experience at Bally’s Inn and Gambling club ignited a fire of enthusiasm. Destiny interceded, bringing Ka Ho and Redd together in the midst of the hurricane of adoration and predetermination following his third separation from Yun Chi Chung.

Their romance unfurled like an immortal sentiment, described by faithful dedication through life’s rhythmic movements. Following their gathering and romance, Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx traded promises in July 1991 at the Las Vegas Little Church of the West.

Their big day was a joyous festival of adoration and responsibility. Subsequent to swearing their everlasting affection, Ka Ho and Redd delighted in the delight of their new association at the celebrated Hacienda Lodging, one of Las Vegas’ most extravagant objections.

The story of Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx’s fortunate experience blooming into marriage exemplifies the getting through force of adoration. Their romantic tale fills in as a demonstration of the persevering through bonds produced in the midst of the glinting roads of Las Vegas.

Ka Ho Cho’s Husband

Redd Foxx entered the world in St. Louis, Missouri, on December 9, 1922, making a permanent imprint as a professional comic and entertainer. Prestigious for his jobs in notable movies like “Cotton Comes to Harlem,” “Harlem Evenings,” “Every one of the Fine Youthful Savages,” and his unbelievable depiction of Fred G. In the hit sitcom “Sanford and Child,” Foxx enraptured crowds with his comedic virtuoso.

Conceived by John Elroy Sanford, he embraced the moniker “Redd Foxx” in reverence to his ruddy coloring and baseball legend Jimmie Foxx, setting his position in the chronicles of parody.

Foxx’s process in adoration was wild, set apart by three relationships going before his association with Ka Ho Cho, each leaving a permanent engraving on his life. His most memorable union with Evelyn Killebrew in 1948 finished in separate from the following three years, absent any and all youngsters. He then, at that point, married LaWanda Page artist Betty Jean Harris in 1956, embracing Betty’s girl from a past relationship, Debraca Denise, brought into the world in 1957. Their association persevered for a very long time until Foxx’s betrayal prompted its destruction.

Ka Ho Cho’s Husband

Foxx’s third union with Joi Yun Chi Chung at the Thunderbird Lodging in Las Vegas on December 31, 1976, likewise finished in tumult, set apart by conjugal hardship and possible separation.

In spite of a critical 37-year age hole, Foxx sealed the deal with Ka Ho Cho in July 1991. Be that as it may, their association was brief, tormented by monetary misfortunes and botch. Charges surfaced, with Betty blaming Ka Ho for wasting Foxx’s fortune, albeit these cases stay unconfirmed. Confusing issues additionally was Foxx’s $3.5 million assessment obligation, adding strain to their generally unstable relationship.

Ka Ho Cho’s Children

Debraca Denise is her stepdaughter and the embraced girl of Redd Foxx. In spite of the fact that Debraca isn’t her organic youngster, she is the lone kid she has. Understand more: briefly.co.za

Ka Ho Cho’s Nationality

Hailing from Seoul, South Korea, Ka Ho Cho spent her early stages in the lively city prior to advancing toward the US. The idea of her process remains covered in vulnerability — whether it was a drawn out visit or a long-lasting movement, the subtleties wait in the domain of the obscure, adding a component of interest to her initial life story.

Ka Ho Cho Legacy and Memory

Albeit brief, her relationship with Redd Foxx situated as a feature of his far reaching heritage in media outlets. She is recognized as Foxx’s better half and a gatekeeper of his memory, a job she has dealt with poise and regard away from the public’s meddlesome eyes.

Taking everything into account, Ka Ho Cho remains a charming character associated with the tradition of Redd Foxx. Her biography, set apart by its private delights and distresses, highlights the complicated crossing point of affection, misfortune, and inheritance inside the exciting yet unforgiving amusement world. 

Ka Ho Cho Legacy and Memory

She keeps on being a figure of interest and regard, intently protecting the memory of one of parody’s most prominent symbols while exploring her way away from the spotlight.

Ka Ho Cho’s Legacy and Impact

Ka Ho Cho’s effect rises above the marvelousness and excitement of media outlets, passing on a persevering through engraving on those lucky enough to encounter her. In spite of the curtness of her experience with Redd Foxx, their romantic tale fills in as a strong sign of the versatility of adoration notwithstanding difficulty, motivating endless people to face their own difficulties with elegance and assurance.

Past her own battles, Ka Ho’s commitments to the diversion world are critical and respected by a lot of people. Her ability, drive, and commitment to greatness have hardened her as an imposing power inside the business, breaking boundaries and rousing people in the future of craftsmen.

However, maybe Ka Ho’s most noteworthy heritage lies in her steady love and backing for her loved ones. Her limitless friendship for her folks, kin, and pets embodies the extraordinary force of familial connections, showing the way that adoration and strength inside the nuclear family can significantly influence lives.

Fundamentally, Ka Ho Cho’s heritage is one of solidarity, generosity, and strength. Her impact reaches out a long way past the limits of the diversion domain, contacting the existences of all who have had the honor of knowing her. Through her model, she rouses both youthful and old the same, outlining the significant effect that one individual can have on their general surroundings. We are without a doubt lucky to have been moved by her presence.

Ka Ho Cho Matrimony

The captivating romantic tale of Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx unfurled in the midst of the astonishing lights of Las Vegas. Their fortunate gathering at Bally’s Inn and Gambling club started a moment association, lighting a fire of enthusiasm that would characterize their excursion together. Destiny interceded after Redd Foxx’s third separation from Yun Chi Chung, preparing for Ka Ho and Redd Foxx to leave on a hurricane sentiment loaded up with affection and fate.

Their romantic tale was similar to an immortal sentiment, described by enduring dedication and relentless responsibility as they explored the intricacies of affection. In July 1991, in the midst of the fabulousness and style of Las Vegas, Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx traded promises in the curious environmental factors of the Little Church of the West.

Ka Ho Cho Matrimony

Their big day was an upbeat festival of their getting through adoration and relentless obligation to one another. Following their sincere trade of commitments, Ka Ho and Redd Foxx delighted in the delight of their association at the sumptuous Hacienda Inn, a demonstration of their common joy and limitless love.

The story of Ka Ho Cho and Redd Foxx’s pivotal experience and resulting marriage fills in as a piercing sign of the getting through force of affection in the midst of the lively roads of Las Vegas. Their romantic tale remains as a demonstration of the persevering through bonds manufactured in the city of dreams.

Ka Ho Cho Net Worth 

For those fascinated by the tradition of the late entertainer Redd Foxx and his better half Ka Ho Cho, how about we dive into the subtleties. How about we, right off the bat’s, investigate Ka Ho Cho’s monetary remainder starting around 2023.

Right now, exact data in regards to Ka Ho Cho’s total assets is inaccessible. Notwithstanding, it is realized that she acquired a critical piece of Redd Foxx’s abundance following his demise in 1991. At the hour of his passing, Redd Foxx’s net resources were assessed to be around $3.5 million. Thusly, it is sensible to surmise that Ka Ho Cho’s total assets is logical in the multimillion-dollar territory today


  • Early Life: Ka Ho Cho was born in Hong Kong in 1950 before moving to the United States during her formative years.
  • Marriage to Redd Foxx: She married Redd Foxx in 1976, becoming his fourth wife, and remained with him until his passing in 1991.
  • Education: Ka Ho Cho holds a degree in business management and successfully managed various businesses, including liquor stores.
  • Height and Appearance: Standing at 5 feet 5 inches, Ka Ho Cho possessed a petite stature that complemented her radiant personality.
  • Family: She shares a deep bond with her siblings and was raised in a loving and humorous family environment.
  • Legacy: Ka Ho Cho is remembered for her unwavering commitment to preserving Redd Foxx’s legacy and her impact beyond the entertainment industry.
  • Personal Life: Despite the brief duration of her marriage to Redd Foxx, their love story remains etched in memory, showcasing their enduring bond.


Ka Ho Cho’s life is characterized by her significant relationship with Redd Foxx, her dedication to preserving his legacy, and her impact beyond the entertainment world. Born in Hong Kong, she ventured into business and successfully managed various ventures, including liquor stores. Despite the brevity of her marriage to Redd Foxx, their love story and her commitment to his memory endure. Ka Ho Cho’s legacy extends beyond her association with Redd Foxx, touching the lives of those around her through her strength, kindness, and determination.


  • When was Ka Ho Cho born? Ka Ho Cho was born in 1950 in Hong Kong, although her exact birthdate and birth month are not publicly known.
  • What is Ka Ho Cho’s educational background? Ka Ho Cho holds a degree in business management.
  • How tall is Ka Ho Cho? Ka Ho Cho stands at a height of 5 feet 5 inches.
  • What businesses did Ka Ho Cho manage? Ka Ho Cho successfully initiated and managed various businesses, notably a series of thriving liquor stores.
  • What is Ka Ho Cho’s legacy beyond the entertainment industry? Ka Ho Cho is remembered for her unwavering commitment to preserving Redd Foxx’s legacy and her impact on those around her through her strength, kindness, and determination.

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